Mhh, this might be of interest for some of you folks

This is Alan, one of the main characters in a novel i am currently writing.
Alan is a self concious spaceship, made by a merging of a human conciousness with an advanced AI system, produced after plans from the 2nd empire of man.

Alan, the 93rd Titan fabricated by the populace of Haven, protector and custodian of Atlantis.
The picture is sized so that one pixel is exactly 1,83m, Alan having an overall length of 1.5km
Being a Titan (currently the 4th refit version) means that he is originally designed as a warship. thus he is outfitted with complete military grade systems, including a full array of offensive and defensive weapons, an advanced matter/energy reactor, nano replication systems and a gravity intercalation drive.
Although Alan does not know much about his former self he doesn´t like the idea of being a warship, so in this reactionary state he perfers to hide his weapon systems, figthercraft and other fleet assets under his hull.
The slick and solid, silvers shining hull is completly his personal taste, a feat that is often smiled upon by some of the older titans, which, after millenia of service, have completly lost or abandoned their personal sense of fashion.
Alan is one of the few Titans that has no regular residents on board, not only because the populace of Atlantis has not yet reached its maximum, but also because sometimes he likes the solitude and silence this option gives him when re rises up into space at night to watch the stars.
Well anyways, i hope you like it

If anybody is interested i can also put the few chapter of the novel up aswell.
Only the first 4 are currently in a state where i would give them to the public for a read so its only 20 something pages.
If anybody is interested in a little Sci-Fi Saga just say so