The spread Info on the upcoming arrival
Published on November 1, 2007 By Pithlit In Sins of a Solar Empire
The new model is totally awesome!
I mean i rocks, it really rocks!

Thats the way a spaceship should look like. and really its making all the other TEC capships look bad ^^;
I know that the KOl is the only real warship of the tec, but i really hope the others get an overhaul aswell to match that awesome style!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 01, 2007
Thats the way a spaceship should look like. and really its making all the other TEC capships look bad ^^;

Yeah, it looks awesome.

One more reason to just use Kols instead of those other ugly capital ships.
on Nov 01, 2007

on Nov 01, 2007
can you say spartan laser?

can you say Vaygr?

can you say KICKASSAH!!!?
on Nov 01, 2007
I must say that ship looks nasty (as in good)! When is NASA going to replacing the shuttle with these?   
on Nov 01, 2007
lol, now the Sins logo thing is outdated.

it is supossed to be the old style Kol with a Volcanic planet background in back.

lol, now it is messed up.
on Nov 01, 2007
The front is still very similar for that very reason
on Nov 02, 2007
I swear someone is always gonna find some vague resemblance to a homeworld ship no matter how much the dev's try to avoid making the ships look like homeworld ships 1st the old Kol looked like the Kushan destroyer from HW1. Now it looks like a Vaygr ship...geez.

While ive grown accustomed to how the old Kol looked. The new ship is an excellent design. Very nicely done. Im sure this one will grow on me too.

Now the Akkan... THAT ship needs an overhaul
on Nov 02, 2007
wtf if u sqink ur eyez it lookz lik tat 1 ship fom dat star wrars gam r somting u no wat im sain/? u guz shuld b sud r somthing 4 copycatwriting >

Anyway, awesome ship. I prefer any of the new race's ships (I'm not even going to attempt to spell them =[ ) over any tech, though. But there will always be a warm spot in my pants, and a warm spot in my heart for the Kol.

All in favour of renaming the Kol, to Eet?
on Nov 02, 2007
Nothing says we "love" the Vasari like 4 quad lasers, 3 gauss railguns, 9 autocannon turrets, and 1 BFG.

on Nov 02, 2007
The new autocannons look especially awesome!
Hope we get something like that on the Akkan (one with the direst need of some work) and the Dunov
The current small sticks sticking out of the hull are just silly.
on Nov 02, 2007
This is much more like it and I hope a good sign for some of the other models that need some TLC.
on Nov 02, 2007
i second the renaming process ^.^
on Nov 02, 2007
LOL, glad to hear people like the new Kol.   I wouldn't look for any more total ship rebuilds, however. It's far too late for that.
on Nov 02, 2007
4 months is to few time for new models?
Right now even though the KOL looks great it doesn´t really feel like it belongs to the TEC, it looks simply out of league.
on Nov 02, 2007
dont care about a TOTAL ship rebuild, just maybe a little unungoodness looking
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