The spread Info on the upcoming arrival
Published on November 1, 2007 By Pithlit In Sins of a Solar Empire
The new model is totally awesome!
I mean i rocks, it really rocks!

Thats the way a spaceship should look like. and really its making all the other TEC capships look bad ^^;
I know that the KOl is the only real warship of the tec, but i really hope the others get an overhaul aswell to match that awesome style!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 02, 2007
She's a beaut!
on Nov 02, 2007
Damn, this new Kol model is amazing.

The only problem now is all the other ships look bad in comparison (especially the Akkan 'ocean liner').

Actually, besides the Akkan, I suppose the non Kol capital ships simply need texture/detail upgrades and they would be fine. There isn't really a need for overhauled ship models (only the Kol needed that and Ironclad already took care of it).

I was hoping they would change the model for the Kodiak, but it still looks IDENTICAL to an armored troop transport. The only thing missing are the wheels. This is a ship that needs an update as much as the old Kol did. Simply rounding out the hull a bit and putting a gun or thrusters underneath would do the trick.
on Nov 02, 2007
The new Kol is awesome indeed. And as a few of you I also hope all TEC cap get revemamp to match the Kol new design Specially the Akkan,Donov and the Dread. The sova is ok the way it is now.

on Nov 02, 2007

The new Kol is awesome indeed. And as a few of you I also hope all TEC cap get revemamp to match the Kol new design Specially the Akkan,Donov and the Dread. The sova is ok the way it is now.


Devs have locked in that there isn't enough time to do a revamp of any other TEC cap ships.
on Nov 02, 2007
I wonder if that also means they don't have time to make the Kodiak look less like an armored car?...probably!
on Nov 02, 2007

4 months is to few time for new models?

You guys don't seem to realize that this game pretty much needs to be done by the beginning of December. There's not 94 days of development time left, there's less than 30.

on Nov 02, 2007
stupid space time continuum... WAIT! launch the devs into space!!!

wait no... launch everyone BUT the devs into space!
on Nov 02, 2007
You guys don't seem to realize that this game pretty much needs to be done by the beginning of December. There's not 94 days of development time left, there's less than 30.

Not wanting to sound like a pessimist, but do you really expect to be able to finish the game in the 30 days remaining?

Though the game is stable (no crashes bugs found after the last hotfix) it's still missing some content and polish and the AI still is very bad.
on Nov 02, 2007

4 months is to few time for new models?

You guys don't seem to realize that this game pretty much needs to be done by the beginning of December. There's not 94 days of development time left, there's less than 30.

Doesnt a game usually go gold only a few weeks before the release date?

and not 3 months before?

on Nov 02, 2007
But do you realize that they're not giving us everything they've got They have certain things in mind they want tested, and the rest they're leaving for release.

Yeah obviously they don't have everything finished, but I would be very surprised if most of what we have now in Beta 4 is the most current build they are working on internally
on Nov 02, 2007
Did you guys see the new Pirate Cutthroat?

(Lots of em lol)

on Nov 02, 2007
Doesnt a game usually go gold only a few weeks before the release date?

and not 3 months before?

Gold just basically means a certain number of copies have been pre-ordered by various outlets.

I believe what Yarlen means is that all the features need to be done by December. After that, it's testing testing testing. Finding bugs, tweaking gameplay, adding maps/scenarios/whatever single player we may have. The game needs to go through several QA stages for several companies, etc etc
on Nov 02, 2007
Sorry, but gold has only something to do with numbers sold/preordered in the music buisness, with videogames the gold status marks the point where the programming is complete and the game is theoretically ready for release:

have fun
on Nov 02, 2007
I like the KOL looking all UBER and the rest of the ships looking 50 years old, makes it follow the storyline well!
on Nov 02, 2007
4 months is to few time for new models?
Right now even though the KOL looks great it doesn´t really feel like it belongs to the TEC, it looks simply out of league.

its the point
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